Archive for February, 2011

Trip time

This past week I was also able to take the boys out on trips to different parks, the cinema, and their all time favourite, the arcades!  It went a little something like this…

Here we go!

First up was the cinema…

A definite favourite all round!

Then it was off to the games arcades…

Just a little bit excited.

Some great team work

Having a few problems with being able to reach the pedals…

Problem solved. Such a pro.

Then with the big guys, we hit the park for some bike time…

Unfortunately for Alex, there were only 4 bikes…

Then the day I took out the little ones all the parks in Cochabamba were closed, I should have guessed really, they had been open all weekend!  The fact that it was the last day of summer holidays didn’t seem to merit them being open one more day.  But the day was saved by an impromptu trip to Globos, Cochabamba’s amazing ice cream restaurant!

All in all I’d say we had a pretty successful few days out!

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